Permissions and Rights Node

This node, under Security in the Workflow Administration Console, allows you to define the general permissions a user or group has for accessing Workflow features. You can also grant or deny rights to specific workflows.

Security rules and hierarchy

Permisions and Rights Node Details

ClosedShow me this node.

To open this node

  1. In the Workflow Administration Console's Console Pane, expand the Security node.
  2. Select Permissions and Rights. The node will list of all the Windows and Active Directory users configured to have Workflow permissions and rights.
  3. Tip: You can refresh this list to reflect recent changes by clicking the Refresh link below Permissions and Rights in the Actions Pane. Alternatively, right-click the Permissions and Rights node and select Refresh.

To add a new user or group

  1. In the Console Pane, select the Permissions and Rights node. Alternatively, select any user listed in the center Details Pane when the node is selected.
  2. Click New User in the Actions Pane, or right-click and select New User.
  3. In the ClosedAdd Secured User dialog box, select Browse.
  4. The ClosedSelect User or Group dialog box will open.
  5. Optional: Click Object Types and choose whether you want to search for Users, Groups, or Built-in security principals. User is selected by default. Click OK.
  6. Optional: Click Locations to choose where Workflow will search for users and groups. Choose a location, and click OK.
  7. Under Enter the object name to select, enter the name of an existing Windows or Active Directory user or group. Click examples to see the syntax that can be used.
  8. Note: Workflow will only respect users and groups permissions defined in this node for Windows and Active Directory users and groups. You cannot search for Laserfiche users.

  9. Click Check Names. The Workflow Administration Console will search for the name according to the Object Types and Locations specified above. If the name is valid, it will become underlined.
  10. Optional: To perform a more advanced search, click ClosedAdvanced.
    1. Select Object Types to determine the type of object to search for (e.g., users or groups).
    2. Select Locations to define where the search should be performed (e.g., the local machine, across the active directory, a portion of the active directory).
    3. Under Common Queries, configure your search. Select Columns to build a more specific query based on specific properties.
    4. Click Find Now to perform the search.
    5. Select a result in the bottom pane.
    6. Click OK.
  11. Once the desired user or group has been found (underlined), select OK.
  12. Grant permissions to the selected user or group in the Add Secured User dialog box.
  13. Click OK.

To modify user or group permissions

  1. In the Details Pane, select the user or group whose permissions you want to modify.
  2. In the Actions Pane, click General Permissions
  3. Grant permissions to the selected user or group in the Modify Secured User dialog box.
  4. Click OK.

To grant or deny rights to specific workflows

Note: Users with Administrator permissions have Editor rights (full rights) to all workflows.

  1. In the Details Pane, select the user or group whose permissions you want to modify.
  2. In the Actions Pane, click Workflow Rights.
  3. In the ClosedModify User Workflow Rights dialog box, select a workflow.
  4. Tip: You can search for workflows by typing a workflow name in the text box that says Search for workflows. Click the red X to clear a search.

  5. In the Rights column choose to give the user or group one of the following rights to the workflow.
  6. Configure all desired workflow rights for the user or group.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Tip: You can modify these rights at any time by selecting the user in the Details Pane and clicking Workflow Rights in the Actions Pane.

To delete a user or group from this node

  1. In the Details Pane, select the user or group you want to delete permissions and rights for.
  2. In the Actions Pane, click Delete.
  3. Note: Removing a user or group does not delete it from your machine or active directory. Instead, the user or group will be removed from this node and their security settings will be reverted to the default (no permissions and Viewer rights).

Note: Security changes are recorded in the service log, which is found at <Workflow Install Directory>\logs. (The default location is C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Workflow 9\Logs.)

To export the contents of this node in a .csv, .xml, or .txt file

  1. Select the node in the Console Pane.
  2. Select View from the main menu.
  3. Click ClosedExport Contents.
  4. In the Export data dialog box, name the exported file.
  5. Select CSV File, XML File, or Tab Delimited Text File from the drop-down menu.
  6. Click Save.